Dosha Quiz

Dosha Quiz

Learn what dosha is dominant in you and receive recommended meals, spices & morning routine recommendations based on the results!

1 / 11

How would you describe your complexion/face?

2 / 11

How would you describe your psychomotor movements & speech?

3 / 11

How would you describe your body weight?

4 / 11

How would you describe your body frame?

5 / 11

How would you describe your joints?

6 / 11

How would you describe the size and shape of your eyes?

7 / 11

How would you describe the appearance of your tendons and veins?

8 / 11

How would you describe the quality of your skin?

9 / 11

What temperature makes you the most uncomfortable?

10 / 11

What is your typical emotional reaction to challenges?

11 / 11

How would you describe your physical strength and stamina?