Heal Your Hormones Naturally.

Learn how to live in tune with nature and use her wisdom to balance your hormones + connect deeper to your soul purpose.

Rebecca Paisley | Ayurvedic Practitioner | Yoga Therapist


Explore how we can work together to heal your hormones at the root level.

1:1 Coaching

Dive deep into understanding the root cause of your imbalance and how to remedy it once and for all with my signature hormone healing program.

Gut Reset

Discover if your body is hosting toxic build-up and embark on a journey to reignite your digestive fire and elimiate the toxic sludge, so you can start feeling like yourself again.

Lab Testing

Get the answers you are looking for with what is going on internally through functional lab testing and customized protocols to start healing the imbalance.

Take The First Step

Each of us is made up of a unique combination of elements. Discover your combination and how to start bringing the elements within you into balance.

I Help You Use Nature To Heal

Meet the Practitioner

rebecca paisley healing | natural wellness

Rebecca Paisley

After years of not caring for myself and life having its way with me a time too many, I was left realizing I needed to do something about the state of my mind, body + soul, or I was only in for more pain + misery.

As I embarked on the healing journey, I didn't know what was in store for me, or that more darkness was lurking around the corner, or even how to overcome these obstacles that healing inevitably brought to the surface.

That is until I found powerful tools provided by Mother Nature; my breath, plant medicine, medicinal herbs, nature's cycles, and so much more. It was then that I knew I could face whatever came my way. And, I want to help you find the same inner knowing too.

words from my clients


Hear what my satisfied clients have to say about their experiences with me.

"I cried so many tears or joy when I got my period this month because my physical symptoms improved so much!"
"I have been feeling way more level when a crisis happens and no longer want to punch people in the face for two weeks every month."
Hair Dresser
"I owe you big, lady. Big big. You're a life save. I cannot thank you enough. Grateful is an understatement. The best thing I ever did was trust you."
Stay-At-Home Mom