Functional Lab Testing

Wondering what’s going on inside of your gut and with your hormones?

GI_Map & DUTCH testing are powerful tools for you to identify what’s going on in the body and how to start healing it. It can provide you with the information you need to make targeted changes to your diet and lifestyle.

GI-Map testing

How GI-Map Works

How DUTCH Testing Works

dutch urine testing

Ready to take control of your health?

Let me help you through functional lab testing.

With my expert guidance, you can finally be headed in the right direction – to heal the root of your imbalance through targeted recommendations for diet, lifestyle, and supplements.

You deserve to feel like yourself again.

What You'll Get

GI-Map Testing


  • GI-Map Kit & Analysis
  • Intake Form + Health Assessment
  • 7-Day Food Diary Analysis
  • 60-minute Consultation to Review Results & Recommendations for Next Steps
  • Summary of Your GI-Map Results
  • 10% discount on prescription-grade supplements
Start Now!

DUTCH Urine Testing


  • DUTCH Testing Kit & Analysis
  • Intake Form + Health Assessment
  • 7-Day Food Diary Assessment
  • 60-minute Consultation to Review Results & Recommendations for Next Steps
  • Summary of Your DUTCH Lab Results
  • 10% discount on prescription-grade supplements
Start Now!

rebecca paisley healing | natural wellness

Meet Your Practitioner

Hey there! I’m Rebecca Paisley, an Ayurvedic Practitioner focused on helping women heal the root cause of their hormone imbalance. After years of struggling with my own cycle and fed up with modern medicines approach to women’s health, I discovered Ayurveda and its healing potential. Through this ancient technology, I was able to heal my cycle. No more period cramps or mood swings through simple diet and lifestyle modifications.

After experiencing such powerful results, I knew it was my life’s work to help other women heal too, so I enrolled back in school to fully grasp the science behind Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine. Now I combine modern day science with the ancient healing modality of Ayurveda to help women just like you heal the root cause of their hormone imbalances.

By uncovering where the imbalance is, we can work to create an environment for the body to activate its self-healing mechanism to conquer your hormone problems once and for all.