Say Hello To Holistic Healing
for Women

Where women learn, heal & feel empowered by their monthly cycle 

Work With Me

Heal your hormones naturally

Using the powers of Mother Nature, I will show you how to tune in and uncover what is bringing imbalance to your monthly cycle + how to rebalance the system.

Attaining health isn’t about only addressing the body, or solely focusing on the mind; it’s all connected. We’ll dig deep into all aspects of your life to get to the root and bring balance to your monthly cycle.

rebecca paisley healing | natural wellness

The Power of 1:1 Coaching

Book A FREE Discovery Call

Your healing is waiting for you — it just needs the right tools. Based on your diet, lifestyle, and habits, we will get to the root of the imbalance and create long-lasting healing for you. That way you can start feeling your best all month long.

I'm Rebecca Paisley

an Ayurvedic practitioner & hormone healing expert

Everything on this page was created to help women like you discover the root of their hormone imbalance, learn how to heal natural and feel good all month long. Wherever you’re going next, I’ve got an offer or resource to get you there faster. Just keep scrolling to find what you need, and I’ll be here BTS cheering you on.

warrior 2 in the road

Hormone Balancing Solutions

1:1 Coaching

Get to the ROOT of your imbalance
  • Discover what is causing your menstrual problems
  • Learn how to fix the imbalance at the root
  • Enjoy symptom free periods all year long

Gut Health Jumpstart

Give your gut the reset it needs
  • Gut health assessment to uncover the root of the imbalance
  • Personalized protocol for your unique body composition
  • All supplements included in cost

Tools for Hormone Support

Track Your Cycle

Tempdrop brings a cycle tracking solution to your smartphone. By tracking your BBT, you can learn SO much about your cycle like when you're fertile, if you're experiencing luteal phase defect + so much more!

Prescription Grade Supplements

Gain access to prescription-grade supplements at the lowest price available in my online dispensary! Plus, see some of my favorite supplements for hormone balancing, digestion + more!

Join Me On Retreat

Align & Thrive: A Women’s Wellness Retreat

September 6-8, 2024 in Pagosa Springs, Colorado

Indulge in a rejuvenating weekend focused on reconnecting to your Self + exploring ways to work with your monthly cycle. This retreat is designed to help you slow down, connect with the nature within and outside of you + learn how to work with your cycle throguhout the month. Join a supportive group of like-minded women as we embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment.